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BeFloodReady, CIWEM’s Community of Practice for PFR, goes live

Posted: 10/06/24

The Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM) has launched a website for BeFloodReady, its Community of Practice for Property Flood Resilience (PFR).

PFR includes a range of property-based measures to limit flood water entering and damaging a property (resistance measures) and reduce flood damage’s impact should water enter a building (recoverability measures). PFR improves the process and reduces the time required for recovery and reoccupation following a flood.

By implementing effective PFR strategies, property owners can significantly improve the recovery process following a flood, minimising disruption and financial losses.

Created by CIWEM, and funded by their Partners and Supporters, the Community of Practice consolidates these initiatives to improve PFR delivery. BeFloodReady CIWEM’s Community of Practice builds upon the success of the Code of Practice for Property Flood Resilience, published in 2021 by CIRIA, and various PFR initiatives undertaken through the PFR Pathfinder Projects and the Flood and Coastal Resilience Innovation Programme.

Specific objectives of the website include hosting and signposting relevant PFR standards, guidance, research and resources; facilitating training, events and knowledge sharing; promoting case studies of successful PFR; and linking practitioners to accredited professional development opportunities.

For more information about BeFloodReady, CIWEM’s Communuity of Practice, please click here for a link to the original article.