Within this page you can find a wide range of flood related resources to download. Browse the categories on the left to find resources suited to you, or click through the tags for a more specific search. The toolkits are handy for an overview of different flood topics. View the glossary to find out what certain technical words, phrases and abbreviations mean.
In this document you can find a pre-populated flood plan which you can print off and use as your own flood plan. You can also find a blank flood plan which you can fill in yourself to make it specific to you!
This video has been made my Rochdale Borough Council.
Watch these four short films, produced by the Environment Agency, explaining how we can slow the flow and help defend our communities from flood water.
Watch these four short films, produced by the Environment Agency, explaining how we can slow the flow and help defend our communities from flood water.
Watch these four short films, produced by the Environment Agency, explaining how we can slow the flow and help defend our communities from flood water.
Watch these four short films, produced by the Environment Agency, explaining how we can slow the flow and help defend our communities from flood water.
This e-booklet has been produced by Flood Mary.
This project was carried out by Cumbria Woodlands and partners. Dave Kennedy explains how different NFM methods can be used in different landscapes and amongst existing land use and designations.
For more information on Cumbria Woodlands and their NFM work, click here.
This project was carried out by Cumbria Woodlands and partners. Dave Kennedy shows how the ecology and biodiversity of an NFM site can benefit as a side effect from the installation of flood measures.
For more information on Cumbria Woodlands and their NFM work, click here.
This report explains the benefits of the Natural Flood Management Programme and celebrates its successes.
This case study has been provided by West Cumbria Rivers Trust.
This case study has been provided by West Cumbria Rivers Trust.
This case study has been provided by West Cumbria Rivers Trust.
This case study has been provided by West Cumbria Rivers Trust.
This case study has been provided by West Cumbria Rivers Trust.
The interventions in this case study are on private land and cannot be accessed without landowner permission.
This case study has been provided by West Cumbria Rivers Trust.
This case study has been provided by West Cumbria Rivers Trust.
This case study has been provided by West Cumbria Rivers Trust.
This case study has been provided by West Cumbria Rivers Trust.
SuDS case study from the Susdrain website here.
In this document you can find a pre-populated community flood plan which you can print off and use as your own community’s flood plan. You can also find a blank flood plan which you can fill in yourself to make it specific for your community!
This case study is from the ‘Property Flood Resilience 2020 Update’ E-mag by Mary Dhonau Associates.
This case study is from the ‘Property Flood Resilience 2020 Update’ E-mag by Mary Dhonau Associates.
This case study is from the ‘Property Flood Resilience 2020 Update’ E-mag by Mary Dhonau Associates.
This case study has been provided by Natural Course – www.naturalcourse.co.uk
This case study has been provided by Natural Course – www.naturalcourse.co.uk
This case study has been provided by Natural Course – www.naturalcourse.co.uk
The case study was featured on Countryfile in February 2021, click here to view the episode.
Watch a YouTube video about the project here.
A guide to retrofitting sustainable drainage systems into urban areas. By Water Resilient Cities
This climate change resource includes a useful ‘communicating flood risks’ factsheet and activities!
A Guide to Sustainable Drainage in Developments created by Phiala Mehring and Teresa Bridgeman. The authors welcome any extra input, experience and expertise to continue to develop and improve this simple and practical guide. Contact details can be found within the guide.
Visit the GOV.UK page which explains your responsibilities and rules to follow for watercourses on or near your property, and permissions you need to do work around them.
The Environment Agency and Jacobs has produced a prototype visualisation tool showing the long-term investment scenarios from different flood and coastal erosion risk management activity investment choices. Using the tool you can change the investment balance of five types of flood management to see what the future outcome would be across England, providing a value for money ‘score’ based on the potential costs and benefits of the different flood management activities.
In this document you can find a pre-populated flood plan which you can print off and use as your own flood plan. You can also find a blank flood plan which you can fill in yourself to make it specific for your household!
In this document you can find a pre-populated flood plan which you can print off and use as your own business flood plan. You can also find a blank flood plan which you can fill in yourself to make it specific for your business!
For more information about the scheme and to view the video about the wetland and its multiple benefits, click below.
Click here to download the PDF version of the Willow Park, Carlisle case study
We have also made a video case study which can be viewed by clicking the link below.
This project details two showcase properties for flood resilience, portraying a range of different measures that can help a property owner recover from a flood quickly and with minimum disruption. The two showcases are the Botcherby Community Centre Project, and the Edenside Barn Project, both located in Carlisle, Cumbria.
Click here to view an interactive version of the booklet, or click the link below to download the PDF.
Policy Connect is proud to launch its latest report with the Westminster Sustainable Business Forum which calls for urgent action to ensure that new homes are water efficient, resilient to flooding and dispose of surface water sustainably.
For more information about the Hest Bank Flood Protection Scheme, click below.