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A public consultation on Flood Risk Management Plans is now open

Posted: 29/11/21

The Environment Agency have worked together with Lead Local Flood Authorities (LLFAs) and other Risk Management Authorities (RMAs) to produce draft Flood Risk Management Plans (FRMPs). During the consultation period the Environment Agency want your views on the draft FRMPs. Your views will inform a final set of plans that will set out actions to manage flood risk between 2021-2027.

FRMPs will help to contribute to creating a better place for people and wildlife. There are over 5.2 million homes and businesses in England at risk of flooding and coastal erosion. FRMPs are strategic plans that have measures for the flood risk areas identified in 2017 for surface water flooding and in 2018 for main river and sea flooding. The Environment Agency have worked together with Lead Local Flood Authorities (LLFAs) and risk management authorities (RMAs) to produce them.

The plans will also help to inform and drive existing programmes of work, such as the Programme of flood and coastal erosion risk management schemes, and work with local communities to improve resilience.

The plans will explore wider resilience measures like nature-based solutions for flood and water, and to set out longer term adaptive approaches for taking action at the right time.

They will also help the Environment Agency implement the ambitions of the government’s 25 year environment plan and flood and coastal erosion risk management policy statement (2020).

The 3 month public consultation on draft FRMPs is now open and will run from 22 October 2021 to 21 January 2022.

For more information, click here.