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Links to Other Learning Resources

Browse through the various activities and educational resources below pitched at a range of ages, including those aimed at KS2, KS3, KS4 and KS5 level.


Cumbria Wildlife Trust Slow The Flow film series – Click here

Wild ideas about flooding

Watch these four short films, produced by the Environment Agency, explaining how we can slow the flow and help defend our communities from flood water.

Farmland – a natural solution to climate change.

Peatland – a natural solution to climate change.

Floodplains – a natural solution to climate change.

Rivers – a natural solution to climate change.

Even wilder ideas about flooding

These films have been produced as a sequel to the original award-winning films linked above. They are the result of a collaboration between Cumbria Wildlife Trust and Cumbria Innovative Flood Resilience project, funded by the Environment Agency’s £200m Flood and Coastal Innovation Programmes.

The films were made in partnership with the EA, RSPB, Wild Ennerdale Partnership, NFU and SEPA, who provided technical input and voiced some of the characters.

Wood you believe it, directed by Cadi Catlow (2024) – How woodlands are a natural flood defence.

Home and Dry,  directed by Cadi Catlow (2024) – Helping wildlife at home.

Dam Fine Ideas, directed by Cadi Catlow (2024) – How nature is impacted by man-made structures on rivers.

It doesn’t have to cost the earth, directed by Cadi Catlow (2024) – How soil helps to prevent flooding.


Darcy’s Tale by Aardman (2025)

Aardman, the multi-award-winning studio behind the beloved Wallace & Gromit franchise, produced Darcy’s Tale to highlight the devastating impact of groundwater flooding. The short animation follows Darcy, a lonely mole searching for love, who is suddenly swept away by rising groundwater. It explores how groundwater flooding occurs and highlights the importance of communities and flood industry professionals working together to be better prepared.

The film supports ‘Let’s Talk Groundwater Flooding’, a new national network created by three groundwater flooding projects, funded by Defra as part of the £200 million Flood and Coastal Innovation Programme, which is managed by the Environment Agency. The programme will drive innovation in flood and coastal resilience and adaptation to a changing climate.

For more information visit


Geography Southwest Fieldwork Resources – Click here

Geography Southwest is a collaborative resource hub for students and teachers created by enthusiastic Geographers. There are articles, resources, and fieldwork site examples suitable for all ages, from investigating microclimates on school grounds to coastal fieldwork examples.


Save the Children & Lancaster University. Children, Young People and Flooding: Recovery and Resilience – Click here

A group of 30 children between the ages of 6 and 15 expressed their experience of flooding and the impact it had on their lives through the event and the recovery process. They discuss the feelings of fear and anxiety they experienced through the disruption. The research project also investigates what can be done to better support children and young people to prepare for a flood, during a flood event and supporting them if they’ve been affected by flooding.


Rochdale Borough Council – Climate Conversations – Think global, act local – part one – click here

Rochdale Borough Council have produced a short video which highlights some of the effects of climate change, including extreme weather and flooding. It also shows how Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) can be used to help manage the amount of waste water from your property and reduce the risk of flooding.