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Help Callum 360 Experience

Lancaster University, SeriousGeoGames at the University of Hull and the Environment Agency have teamed up to produce this new 360 virtual reality experience. The video tells the real story of Callum, a young boy whose house was flooded, using his own words and seeing through his eyes.

Help Callum brings Lancaster’s research with flood-affected young people together with Hull’s experience in using virtual reality and 360 videos to bring flood experiences to life. The video puts you in Callum’s situation as he and his parents deal with flooding in their home. Throughout the video we offer pauses for reflection and ask what would you do to ‘help Callum’ in this situation. Please share your ideas in the quick feedback poll at the bottom of the page!


Help Callum can be used by:

  • flood risk authorities to better understand children’s and families’ experiences of flooding
  • children and young people in schools as part of lessons about flooding or water safety
  • members of the public to increase flood awareness



Our team is currently working on a new 360 video, based on another of the Lancaster team’s children’s flood narratives. This video will explore the very different experience of another flood-affected child and her family, including issues relating to flooding and disability.


For the best experience access via the YouTube App on a smartphone. As this is a 360 video, you can drag your mouse or move your device to change your view. If you have a cardboard virtual reality headset this will give you the full Virtual Reality experience!