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How Flood Risk Management Schemes are funded and delivered

What is appraisal and why is it needed?

In summary the Environment Agency are spending Government’s money in providing flood risk management and they must follow their rules if they want to use their money. The first thing they are required to do in delivering a scheme is an appraisal.

According to the “Appraisal of flood and coastal erosion risk management, A Defra policy statement”:

  • Flooding and coastal erosion are natural processes with highly variable impacts across the country. Flood and coastal erosion risk management legislation is largely permissive in England. This means that there is no right to be protected from the effects of flooding or erosion and generally no entitlement to any particular standard of defence where risk management action is taken.
  • To take account of this variability and the permissive nature of its investment, Government promotes nationally consistent approaches to the assessment and management of flood and coastal erosion risk, rather than to set national standards for protection which would be inappropriate and unaffordable in some areas.
  • The appraisal process should point to how value for money can be maximised from any public investment. This is needed to help decision makers ensure that taxpayers’ money is invested in those projects that will deliver the greatest benefits for society as a whole, bearing in mind that many of those taxpayers are not at flood risk.

All appraisals should:

Define the issue Define the issue and consider the case for Government intervention. Set Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time related objectives if there is a case
Develop, Describe and Value Develop a full range of possible options, describe the options, and then value the positive and negative impacts of each of the options.
Compare and Select Compare options in a systematic way and select the most effective and deliverable solution.