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A 50m long green wall is set to be installed at Liverpool’s St John’s shopping centre

Posted: 15/10/19

Plans for a giant living, green wall have been approved by Liverpool City Council as part of a global effort to increase green space in city centres.

The 50m green wall will stretch across the outside of the upper floor of St Johns Shopping Centre and will be visible from the surrounding pedestrian area and from Queens Square Bus Station.

The wall is being funded through the EU Horizon 2020 project “Urban GreenUP” and is one of several green projects which are set to get underway in the city over the next six months. Liverpool recently declared a Climate Emergency.

Liverpool’s Urban GreenUP programme has been awarded nearly £3.5million of European funding to tackle issues such as biodiversity, flooding, climate change, air quality and health and wellbeing through ‘nature-based solutions’.

Liverpool City Council, The Mersey Forest, Liverpool BID Company and the University of Liverpool are partners in the five year project, as well as organisations in Valladolid (Spain) and Izmir (Turkey) and five more cities across the world.

For more information, please click here.