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A brand new exhibition looking at how flooding affects physical and social environments is live!

Posted: 03/02/21

We are excited to announce that the Landscapes to Lifescapes Digital Exhibition is now LIVE!  You can take a look at the exhibition here:, which can be found in the ‘Learning’ section of The Flood Hub.

The Landscapes to Lifescapes digital exhibition is a collaborative project between Lancaster University, the University of Hull and the Environment Agency, where you can find out more about how flooding affects our physical and social environment – our ‘landscapes and lifescapes.’

The exhibition also showcases ‘Help Callum’, a new 360 virtual reality experience. The video tells the story of Callum, a young boy whose house was flooded, using his own words and seeing through his eyes.

As part of the launch of the exhibition, we are hosting a two-week campaign starting today showcasing the different sections of the exhibition. The campaign will be supported from the following social media channels:

The hashtag we are using to promote the digital exhibition is #Landscapes2Lifescapes.

We’d really appreciate your support with this campaign and the launch of the exhibition by sharing posts on social media and the graphic below. If you have any feedback about the exhibition, please ‘Have Your Say’ on our page here: