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Looking back at United Utilities ‘Managing Flood Risk from New Development in Partnership’ day

Posted: 30/10/19

The Managing Flood Risk From New Developments in Partnership event was held on the 26th September and hosted by United Utilities. Lead Local Flood Authorities, Local Planning Authorities, The Environment Agency and members of The Regional Flood and Coastal Committee were invited to attend.

The event was the first of its kind with the aim to understand how Risk Management Authorities can collaborate and work better to manage flood risk from new development together in partnership. Presentations were given on UU’s approach to development, spatial design and UU’s SuDS opportunity mapping tool. The day also included workshops to enable discussion on how each organisation can better understand the challenges faced for all as Flood Risk Management Authorities. The day is considered to have been a success and is the first step to continuing strong relations with other Risk Management Authorities relating to new developments and flooding.

Moving forward, the outputs from the day will be discussed in the Regional Flood and Coastal Committee sub groups; the Technical Group and SuDS Task and Finish group.

Click here to download the presentation from the day.