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Please help to keep loos flushing, prevent blockages and flooding

Posted: 01/04/20

Please help to keep loos flushing, prevent blockages and flooding

Around 1,000 homes and 6,000 gardens are affected by sewer flooding every year across the North West.  Many of these terrible flooding incidents are preventable, caused when sewers become blocked with wet wipes and other items which should never be flushed.  United Utilities is seeing an increase in blockages during the coronavirus pandemic as customers are struggling to buy toilet paper and flushing alternative products instead, such as wipes, kitchen roll and tissues, none of which break down in the same way as toilet paper does.

As it’s more important than ever to keep our toilets flushing,  blockage free and to reduce the chance of sewer flooding, please help by only flushing the three Ps – pee, poo and paper (toilet paper only). Please do not flush any kitchen roll, wet wipes or tissue down the toilet.


A blockage found in the UU sewer network this week – a mixture of cotton buds, wipes and kitchen roll. Only flush the 3p’s!


Priority Services – extra help for those who need it most

If you or any of your family and friends have particular health issues and haven’t yet registered for United Utilities’ Priority Services, then please visit for additional support with your water services. If you know someone who isn’t online then you can register them on their behalf.