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Rapid Flood Guidance service trial for England and Wales ends

Posted: 03/10/24

Press Release From: Flood Forecasting Centre

Published: 3 October 2024

Initial trial feedback shows positive results.


The Rapid Flood Guidance trial service

The Flood Forecasting Centre (FFC) Rapid Flood Guidance service trial for 2024 recently ended. The trial ran from 14 May to 30 September 2024.

The Rapid Flood Guidance service gave short notice updates for England and Wales to supplement the Flood Guidance Statement (FGS). It provided a new:

  • advisory badge on the front page of the FGS for days when there was a heightened risk of rapid flooding
  • Rapid Flood Guidance updates issued on heightened risk days

The service made use of new convective weather forecasting (nowcasting) capability from the Met Office’s Expert Weather Hub combined with information from the FFC’s hydrometeorologists.


During the trial:

  • there were over 1,700 signups to the service
  • the Rapid Flood Guidance badge appeared on the FGS on 52 days
  • Rapid Flood Guidance updates were issued on 19 days
  • a total of 52 Rapid Flood Guidance updates were issued – and downloaded over 16,000 times


Positive initial results

Extensive user research informed the 2024 Rapid Flood Guidance service. This continued during the trial period through:

  • online surveys resulting in over 300 responses
  • 20 user interviews after rapid flood events


Early trial results are positive.  Amongst respondents:

  • 89% stated that the Rapid Flood Guidance improved their awareness of the flooding situation
  • 64% stated that it improved their communication of the existing situation
  • 48% stated that it helped improved operational decision making

Nearly 70% of respondents rated their experience with the trial as being positive.  15% said it was too early to say.


Further end of trial research

Further research after the end of the trial will investigate the satisfaction, understanding and usefulness of the Rapid Flood Guidance service.

This will be used to:

  • assess the value of the service to the responder community and government
  • inform recommendations for the future of the service for 2025 and beyond


Part of a wider investment in improved forecasting

The Rapid Flood Guidance trial service is part of the Surface Water Flood Forecasting Improvement Project (SWFFIP) which is:


For more information and for a link to the original article, please click here.