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The Flood Hub’s ‘Flood Risk and Planning Focus Week’ begins on Monday

Posted: 17/03/25

From Monday 24th – Friday 28th March, The Flood Hub is running our ‘Flood Risk and Planning Focus Week’ from our social media accounts:


This focus week follows on from our ‘Riparian Ownership’ focus week which we held last month.

We have found that there is a lack of understanding around flood risk and planning, therefore this Focus Week will be a brief introduction to the planning system and how flood risk is considered. We will link to our handy Flood Risk and Planning FAQ resource during the Focus Week, as well as a pages on The Flood Hub, that users can read for more information.

We would greatly appreciate your support during this focus week by following @TheFloodHub to help raise awareness of flood risk and planning. Below is our campaign graphic and some sample social media posts that you are welcome to use during the focus week.