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West Derby group receives equipment to reconnect neighbourhood to local woodland

Posted: 19/11/24

A group of eight resident volunteers have received tools from United Utilities to manage the West Derby woodlands which surrounds 129 homes.

The group called Area 9 Parklands Green Team has a history which dates back to the 1970s, when the households were handed a 999-year leasehold of the ancient woodland. It was called ‘Area 9 Parklands’, a name that the community have since decided to keep as they manage and care for the riverside land.

There are several Tree Preservation Orders and conservation restrictions that apply to the land, which have presented financial obstacles for the residents. The upkeep of the land also comes with its own physical challenges.

The group’s objectives include:

  • Improving the riverside and woodland environment
  • Promoting better drainage of the brooks
  • Reconnecting the local community with their woodland and riverside environment
  • Making the area completely accessible (a couple of residents are wheelchair users)

The equipment provided by United Utilities through it’s Better Rivers Better North West Community Fund has enabled the Area 9 Parklands Green Team, to clear, clean-up, and maintain the dense and overgrown woodlands.

Before receiving the equipment, the volunteers used their own domestic gardening tools to clear the woodland.

The kit from United Utilities will help the volunteers effectively manage the woodland and brooksides, removing pesky balsams, troublesome sycamores and river willows blocking brooks.

The Better Rivers Better North West Community Fund supports community groups whose activities:

  • Benefit local watercourses and riverside environments
  • Act as catalyst for improved community and environmental wellbeing
  • Reconnect communities to riverside environments
  • Promote sustainable drainage

Groups can apply to the fund for up to £2,500 worth of support by emailing [email protected] with details of their request.

For more information and a link to the original article, please click here.