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About Us

Working with nature to safeguard our coastal communities.


Information on this page has been provided by the Our Future Coast Project Team and was correct at the time of upload. The Flood Hub is not responsible for any information held on this page.


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Our Future Coast is a partnership of local councils, parish councils, the Environment Agency, organisations like Lancashire Wildlife Trust and Morecambe Bay Partnership, farmers, landowners, researchers and local people. Together they are working across multiple sites along the North West Coast of England to design and test new approaches to coastal flood risk management.

In the face of coastal erosion, flooding and climate change, Our Future Coast will use nature-based solutions for sustainable coastal management.

Why do we need Our Future Coast?

Coastal Communities are at the front-line of climate challenge. It is not possible to protect the whole coast with hard rock and concrete, there isn’t enough money, and it is not a good long-term solution. So, we need to get really good at working with nature – using saltmarsh and sand dunes as a coastal defence. The essence of the Our Future Coast approach is designing together with our communities putting them at the heart of Our Future Coast.



What is Our Future Coast doing?

Our Future Coast is:

  • Working with communities at multiple sites to understand issues from their perspective and work with them to shape solutions.
  • Learning how to make natural coastal habitats, such as sand dunes and saltmarshes, effective at protecting the coast.
  • Testing new and innovative approaches including monitoring and practical resilience actions.
  • Sharing lessons learned to inform future coastal management approaches.



Who is Involved in Our Future Coast?

Our Future Coast is a partnership of local councils, parish councils, the Environment Agency, organisations like Lancashire Wildlife Trust and Morecambe Bay Partnership, farmers, landowners, researchers and local people.



Who is Funding Our Future Coast?

Our Future Coast is funded by Defra as part of the £200 million Flood and Coastal Innovation Programmes which is managed by the Environment Agency. The programmes will drive innovation in flood and coastal resilience and adaptation to a changing climate. You can find out more about this programme by clicking here.