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Working with nature to safeguard our coastal communities.


Information on this page has been provided by the Our Future Coast Project Team and was correct at the time of upload. The Flood Hub is not responsible for any information held on this page.

Coastal Habitats



Our coastline is formed by an array of different environments and habitats. Our Future Coast is working to restore two key coastal environments, saltmarsh and sand dune.




A saltmarsh is a coastal wetland, flooded and drained by the tide and covered by salt-tolerant plants. Saltmarshes form in sheltered locations away from high wave energy, like estuaries, and where there is a sufficient supply of sediment. They are important habitats, carbon stores and natural buffers to waves and erosion.



Sand Dune

Sand dunes are natural mounds or ridges of sand shaped by the wind, commonly found along coastlines. Formed by the accumulation of windblown sand particles, sand dunes are dynamic and gradually build up over time. They are vital for protecting coastlines, acting as natural buffers against waves and erosion.


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