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The Flood Hub 2024/25 Campaigns and Focus Weeks

Our social media campaigns aim to raise awareness of a number of different flood related topics and to showcase good practice. We run our social media campaigns via our social media channels (X (formally Twitter), Facebook and LinkedIn@TheFloodHub) and they usually run for a full week.

Future Campaigns


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This table outlines the current campaigns planned for The Flood Hub’s Twitter, Facebook and Linked In accounts for the year. We will add a new section for the next campaign with a copy of the campaign graphic and sample tweets which you can use to support the campaign if you wish.


7th – 10th May Property Flood Resilience (PFR)
13th – 17th May Business Flood Resilience 
June Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS)*
July Types of Flooding
August Focus on the ‘Learning’ section of The Flood Hub
  Recap of the 2023-24 Storms & Storm Names
September Flood Safety
October Flood Aware? Plan and Prepare
November Community Flood Resilience
December Christmas Key Messages
January Who plays a part in managing flood risk?
February Riparian Ownership
March  Flood Risk and Planning


Last updated: January 2025

*The months of these campaigns are provisional and this table will be updated when dates have been confirmed.