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Planning Permission for Front Gardens

*The information on this page has been provided by the project team which consists of the following partners.

As of 1st October 2008, there is a legal requirement for homeowners to gain planning permission from their Local Planning Authority for paved areas within their front garden which exceed 5m2, unless the paving material is porous or drains to a porous area within their front garden.

For more information please visit: Permeable surfacing of front gardens: guidance – GOV.UK (


Impermeable paving. Image: Environment Agency


Important Note: If you do not obtain the required planning permission your Local Council may take enforcement action. Furthermore, if you do not obtain the required planning permission for your driveway this can cause costly delays when selling your home, as you may be forced to gain retrospective planning permission.

Fortunately, there are lots of permeable paving alternatives (allow rainwater to drain through the surface) which do not require planning permission requirement. For example:

  • Permeable Block Paving
  • Permeable Resin Bound Paving
  • Reinforced Grass
  • Gravel Grids

Useful links:



*The information on this page has been provided by the Environment Agency.

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