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RHS Flower Show, Tatton Park

*The information on this page has been provided by the project team which consists of the following partners.

RHS Flower Show, Tatton Park, 17-21 July 2024

The Show Feature Garden ‘Unpave the Way’ showcases a holistic and sustainable approach to front garden design. The garden seeks to inspire garden design choices which mitigate the flooding impacts caused by a growing national trend of paved front gardens, by utilising sustainable drainage (SuDS) and rainwater harvesting to maximise opportunities for rainwater capture, storage, and drainage.

The garden encapsulates two differing approaches to front garden design. The first garden focuses on DIY retrofitting of sustainable drainage (SuDS) and rainwater harvesting (RWH) solutions into an existing front garden, whereas the second garden utilises readymade SuDS and permeable paving products for use within a new garden design.

Both gardens focus on showcasing options for rainwater drainage for householders whose gardens may have either sandy well drained soil or poorly drained clay dominated soils. Both garden designs make space for water, planting, and nature, to maximise opportunities for rainwater reuse, biodiversity, urban cooling, and householder wellbeing.

Key Features: Sustainable Drainage, Permeable Paving, Rainwater Capture, Climate Resilient Planting

Find out more about our garden here: North West Regional Flood and Coastal Committee: Unpave the Way designed by Leon Davis at the RHS Flower Show Tatton Park 2024 / RHS Gardening

Click here to view the visualisation for the RHS show

Image: Leon Davis Design



*The information on this page has been provided by the Environment Agency.

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