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Sustainable Solutions for Front Gardens and Driveways

*The information on this page has been provided by the project team which consists of the following partners.

Permeable Paving for Driveways

If you’re using permeable paving (i.e., allows rainwater to drain through the surface) within your front garden then this does not require planning permission.

  • Reinforced grass
  • Permeable block paving
  • Permeable resin bound paving
  • Gravel with permeable subbase

Note: Always investigate your garden’s ground conditions prior to designing your new driveway so you understand the options available to you. This should involve identifying your soil type and how permeable it is. If your garden is clay based, you can still incorporate sustainable drainage (SuDS) to capture and store surface water runoff within your front garden.

Tip: If you can’t lay new permeable paving within your front garden, then unpave some of your existing hardstanding instead, to make space for planting and infiltration of rainwater into the ground. You may only need wheel tracks to accommodate a car within your front garden.