Information on this page has been provided by the Environment Agency and was correct at the time of upload. The Flood Hub is not responsible for any information held on this page. For any enquiries, see the Contact section of the page.
The Environment Agency (EA) have raised and extended the existing flood defences through Melbourne Park as part of the phase 1 Carlisle Flood Risk Management Scheme. In order to have a consistent Standard of Protection throughout the western side of Melbourne Park, the EA need to project the level of the existing phase 1 flood defences through to the higher ground at Tramside Way. This prevents any future by-passing of the flood defences into the western Warwick Road area of the city.
The works will consist of minor raising of ground levels in the entrance to Melbourne Park from Sybil Street and a new reinforced concrete flood defence wall around the Adelaide Street allotments, tying into the rear of Tramside Way. The reinforced concrete wall will be clad with brick slips in a style in keeping with neighbouring properties. The existing fence will be removed and a new fence put on top of the wall to the existing fence top level (see visualisation of the wall below).
After works are complete, the main vehicle access gate to allotments will have a flood gate across it. The second existing vehicle access to the allotments will be replaced with a pedestrian access (with a flood gate incorporated) and gated security fences will extend across both existing entrances to the allotments.
Adelaide Street Visualisation
In the above drawing dark grey shows new wall along line of existing security fence note the dog-leg away from existing security fence alignment at the end of Delagoa Street.
Road Closure
During the works there will be a road closure on section of Adelaide Street running along the edge of the allotments. Access around the closed section of Adelaide Street will be via Sybil Street, Lindisfarne Road and Delagoa Street. Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times. Parking on allotments side of Delagoa Street will be unavailable, similarly unavailable on closed section of Adelaide Street.
Access to allotments
Maintained. There will be access to the allotments at all times (there may be times when deliveries of materials/equipment mean that access has to be paused). Exact arrangements are to be confirmed with contractor once appointed.
Water supply
The water supply to allotments will be retained. There may be very short periods where connection might be lost as construction crosses the existing supply alignment but this will be kept as short as possibly and an alternative water supply provided if required.
The work area will be fenced off and secure.
Working hours
Working hours will be restricted (exact details subject to the planning permission) and dust/mud suppression measures will be incorporated into the construction phase plan as appropriate.
Access to Melbourne park during construction and reinstatement phase will be restricted. Access opposite Sybil Street will be closed. Access to the park off Melbourne Street will be open.
Stage | Date |
Planning determination | August 2023 |
Construction start | January 2024 |
Construction completion | September 2024 |
Reinstatement of Melbourne Park area* | October/November 2024 |
Standard of protection achieved | September 2024 |
Last updated: September 2024
*United Utilities (UU) are due to commence with a separate project on the banks of the River Petteril from September 2024. They will gain access to their working area through Melbourne Park. These works are entirely unrelated to the Carlisle Ph1B FRMS and any queries should be directed to UU.
In order to achieve the desired standard of protection from flooding for the wider Warwick Road area of Carlisle the Environment Agency need to continue the completed Phase 1 Melbourne Park flood defences into the higher ground at the rear of Tramside Way. This removes the possibility of a flow route developing through this undefended section in the event of another flood of the order of Storm Desmond.
In order to achieve this the Environment Agency and it’s contactors are going to raise / landscape the area of Melbourne Park at the end of Sybil Street such that it ties into the end of the existing flood defences in Melbourne Park and provides a consistent level to the north western corner of the Adelaide Street allotments. From here a concrete wall will run along the line of the existing fence along the northern edge of the allotments along the side of Adelaide and Delagoa Street. At the existing entrance into the allotments off Delagoa Street the alignment of the wall will leave the existing fence and run parallel with fence but one allotment’s width back before tying into higher ground at the rear of Tramside Way. The wall facing the residential area will be clad with a brick slip and the fence mounted to the wall such that it matches existing fence top levels (see scheme overview page).
See key dates section here.
Yes, the works needed planning permission, which will be determined in September.
When the Environment Agency originally looked at the options available the riverside alignment (i.e. running a wall from Tramside Way along the eastern edge of the allotments on the bank of the River Petteril and then running across Melbourne Park and tying into the existing defences) was considered but this option had greater risks of being damaged by erosion over time and also had more interactions with services (United Utilities sewer). It was also a larger structure (it’s nearer the river) and would have been more expensive and difficult to deliver.
A narrow strip of land owned by Persimmon Homes (between the rear of Tramside Way and the allotments) will need to be accessed in order to achieve an appropriate connection between the end of the new wall and the higher ground that Tramside Way sits on. The garden fence at the rear of properties on Tramside Way will not be impacted.
Power, gas and water supplies to the general area will be retained. If there is any reason that this cannot be retained (i.e. temporary impact on supply) residents and allotment holders affected will be informed.
There will need to be road closures (see plan) and parking will be disrupted at times, specifically in the area of the road closure and along the left hand side of Delagoa Street adjacent to the allotments.
There will be construction related activity and the associated noise. Given the residential nature of the surrounding area works will need to be limited to daytime (i.e. 08:00 ‘til 5:30) possibly via a planning condition
There will disruption to the allotments. The Environment Agency will have to occupy part of the allotments during the work and are having specific conversations with the allotment association in order to help understand the impact and how they can minimise it.
The intention is to replace any sheds that can’t be safely moved.
The intention to maintain access and a water supply for the duration of the works.
The intention is to return soil excavated from any individual allotment back to that allotment on a best endeavours basis.
The Environment Agency have had to remove a cyprus tree in the north western corner of the allotments as this was right on the intended alignment of the scheme. They had to remove that before starting the work so that they didn’t disturb nesting birds. This was done in consultation with the landowner and allotment association and some nearby residents were informed. Environment Agency policy is to plant five trees for every one they remove. The Environment Agency are working with the allotment association to identify a suitable location for the replacement trees. It is likely fruit trees will be planted on the allotments.
The works that have been done to raise the defences through Melbourne Park means that the city is protected such that it wouldn’t be impacted by a flood of the same order of magnitude as Storm Desmond. These works were designed with Botcherby Bridge in place and have a design bed level that needs to be retained through the bridge to achieve the desired standard of protection. The Environment Agency are surveying the river bed through the bridge annually to help understand how it is changing over time and whether or not there is a need to remove any material from the area around the bridge.
There have been a number of significant floods in the Eden catchment over recent years and there is a lot of material moving along the bed of the rivers as a result of bank erosion and mobilisation of shoals in the river.
Eden Rivers Trust (ERT) have a project looking at the removal of Melbourne Park weir as part of a river restoration programme of works funded by the Environment Agency. Subject to general support and securing of permissions the weir could come out in the future. A consultation exercise will be run by ERT over the proposals in the future. The level of interaction between the two projects will be minimsed such that the Environment Agency can keep disruption of the park to a minimum.
The Environment Agency will carry out any necessary pre-start and post-completion surveys. In the unlikely event that damage is caused as a result of construction activity, claims of damage as a result of the scheme delivery will be considered on a case by case basis via their Estates team.
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