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Hazel Grove and Offerton Green (Poise Brook) Flood Risk Management Scheme

The proposed schemes on these pages are currently still in the appraisal stage meaning funding has not been secured. There is therefore no guarantee that these schemes will secure funding and progress to a completed flood scheme. For more information on how Flood Risk Management Schemes are funded and delivered, please visit our dedicated page here.


Information on this page has been provided by the Environment Agency and was correct at the time of upload. The Flood Hub is not responsible for any information held on this page. For any enquiries, see the Contact section of the page.


The Environment Agency are currently at early stages of looking into reducing flood risk in the Offerton Green and Hazel Grove area. This is called the strategic appraisal stage; this stage could take between 12 and 24 months. For further information on what an appraisal is and why it is needed please click here.