A major project to install new flood resilience and defence infrastructure in the Penrith Road area of Keswick is currently being developed.
A community drop-in event is being held to provide members of the public with an opportunity to discuss and ask any questions about the project, which is estimated to cost around £2m. More information on the event can be found here.
As the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA), Cumbria County Council is responsible for the management of surface water flood risk. The Penrith Road area of Keswick forms one of the greatest areas of surface water flood risk in the county in terms of scale, frequency and impact on the local community.
As part of the project, a new flood storage attenuation pond at Springs Field and a new pumping station underneath or adjacent to Penrith road, will be constructed which will discharge into the River Greta. The protection and resilience of properties to surface water flooding between Ambleside Road and Penrith Road will also be improved with additional protection measures. There will be improved drainage that will facilitate the run-off of surface water.
Following an initial period of survey and assessments, the council intends to submit planning application documents for the construction of the new flood pond and pumping station within the next month. Construction work is intended to commence on site in August 2019.
For more information, please click here.