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Whalley and Billington Proposed Flood Risk Management Scheme

Note: These proposed schemes are currently still in the appraisal stage meaning funding has not been secured. There is no guarantee that the project will secure sufficient funding and progress to construction. For more information on how Flood Risk Management Schemes are funded and delivered, please visit our dedicated page here.


Information on this page has been provided by the Environment Agency and was correct at the time of upload. The Flood Hub is not responsible for any information held on this page. For any enquiries, see the Contact section of the page.


Whalley & Billington are villages in the district of Ribble Valley, Lancashire, situated along the banks of the River Calder. These communities have experienced significant flooding, with the earliest recorded flood event dating back to 1866. Most recently flooding has occurred in 2015 and 2020.

On 26th December 2015, 136 properties in Whalley (196) and Billington (40) flooded as a result of Storm Eva, when the River Calder exceeded its channel capacity. The water levels taken at the Whalley weir river gauge were the highest on record and the flood extent was the greatest for 150 years.

On 9th February 2020, approximately 104 properties in Whalley (70) and Billington (34) flooded as a result of Storm Ciara. Although river levels did not exceed those in 2015 on this occasion, they still resulted in the second highest levels ever recorded.

Alongside flooding from the Calder, Whalley has also experienced flooding via a smaller watercourse, Wiswell Brook, which becomes culverted under King Street. The interactions between these watercourses, when combined with surface water and the former Mill Race, exacerbates flood risk for neighbouring properties.

In Billington, the low-lying residential area around Longworth Road is the most frequently flooded area of the village. Flood Risk is exacerbated by natural topography and constraints caused by Whalley railway viaduct and the A59 road bridge.

Image 1: Flooding of King Street, Whalley during February 2020 storm event