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Public Consultations

The Environment Agency is delivering a proposed Flood Risk Management Scheme to better protect homes and business from flooding in the Kent catchment, and improve the local environment and community amenities. Kendal is the first area to be delivered, followed by Burneside, Staveley, and Ings, and upstream measures including flood storage. In addition, Natural Flood Management measures are being integrated into the plans which aim to slow the flow of water and provide wider environmental benefits across the catchment.

Active Planning Applications

New Road Planning Application - Road side flood wall with integrated flood gates

A new Planning Application has been submitted to Westmorland and Furness Council following a number of design improvements since the original planning application was approved in June 2019. The planning application is currently being determined by Westmorland and Furness Planning department.

This pack of information summarises the options appraisal and subsequent design decisions for a road side flood wall and integrated flood gates.

Click here to download the New Road Planning Application Engagement Pack


Feedback Form

The Environment Agency would like to gather feedback on their flood scheme design proposals for New Road which will be determined by Westmorland & Furness planning committee in late July following a planning application submission in February 2024.

The Environment Agency have provided some guiding questions below, but there is also an opportunity for you to provide general feedback.

Click here to visit the Westmorland and Furness Planning Portal for further supporting information.


How The Environment Agency and The Flood Hub use your data

The information you are submitting via The Flood Hub will be passed directly onto the Environment Agency and will not be used by The Flood Hub to contact you.

The Environment Agency may use any information supplied in the Feedback Form to inform the Planning Application.  The Environment Agency will not share your details with any other third party without your explicit consent unless required to by law.

The Environment Agency is the data controller for the personal data you provide. For further information on how they deal with your personal data and how to exercise your rights please see our Personal Information Charter or contact us for further details at



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